Bird Class!

 Learn To Paint Birds This January!

Take a very rewarding live Zoom class with Sophie! In this class, we will learn to draw and paint (with watercolors) a bunch of birds. I’m offering two four-week classes — one in the evening, and one in the afternoon. There is also a one-day workshop, if you would rather sit for a long Saturday to paint.

Here’s what will happen:

  • You’ll receive an emailed supply list and tips for acquiring said supplies.

  • You’ll get a Zoom link and instructions for accessing the class.

  • The class size will be kept small to allow for personalized instruction.

  • Classes will be scaffolded, beginning with simple drawing and painting techniques, and building on these skills week after week.

  • Each class will be recorded so you can access them in case you missed something.

  • Recorded classes will also be available to the paid tier of the You Are Doing A Good Enough Job’s newsletter group, so keep that in mind.

  • You may send photos of your work to Sophie for individualized feedback at any time.

  • There will be a private class message board for sharing your work, and thoughts about painting, birds, or whatever.

  • At the end, you’ll receive Sophie’s coveted list of BIRD VIDEOS that she shows her students in real life. This is secret and should not be shared.

  • By the end of class, you should feel comfortable and confident drawing and painting a variety of North American and non-North American birds! And if you hated birds before, now you should LOVE THEM. Guaranteed. Or your money back.


No $$$? Apply for a scholarship! It’s easy!