Here are some things I’ve written and published.
Key: {C} = Comics; {CNF} = CREATIVE NONFIction; {H} = Humor; {J}=Journalism; {i} = illustrated; {r} = review; {O} = Other
- The New Yorker: “Relating To Birds” {H} {C}
- The Chicago Reader: “The Comeback Crane” {C}
- SAIC Magazine: “The Bravery of Sanford Biggers” {J}
- The New York Times: “Can A Book Capture the Magic of Birding?” {C}
- The New Yorker: “The Existential Musings of My Rustic Sourdough Starter” {H} {C}
- The Chicago Reader: “Behold The Magnificent Pigeon” {C}
- The New York Times: “Telling My Fiancé About My New Girlfriend” {CNF}
- The Believer: “Avian Behavior” {C}
- Bon Appetit: “How Many Cashews Does It Take To Cure My Anxiety” {I}{J}{CNF}
- Bon Appetit: "Love Is Like A Sourdough Starter: It Can Last Forever Or Get Super Smelly And Weird" {I}{J}{CNF}
- The New Yorker: "Culturally Relevant Valentines" {H}{C}
- Bon Appetit: "Here's to Hubigs: The New Orleans Bakery That Might Never Return" {I}{J}{CNF}
- SpiralBound: "The Crying Chronicles" {C}{J}
- The New Yorker: "Horrible Phone Calls I Assume I'd Have To Make If It Weren't For The Internet" {H}{C}
- Jezebel: "Books With Grill In The Title" {H}{I}
- Illinois Audubon Magazine: "Kankakee River Basin" {J}
- Lincoln Center Theatre Review: "God As Loving Many All At Once" {J}
- Dame Magazine: "Do All Women Have Eating Disorders?" {I} {CNF}
- Redbook: "3 Ways to Have a Three-way" {I}
- O Magazine: "Good On Paper" {CNF}
- Crain's Chicago: "Wear Long Shorts and Other Rules for Women at the #RNCinCLE" {H}
- Catapult: "A More Perfect Love" {I}{CNF}
- Guernica: "What A Panic Attack Looks Like: An Illustrated Inquiry" {I}{CNF}
- Jezebel: "Skinny Scarves and Peasant Tops: The Gilmore Girls Wore Truly God-Awful Clothes" {H}{I}
- The Guardian: "Why Women Bake: The Healing Power of a Quiet Sisterhood" {CNF} {I}
- The Guardian: "How do you know you've really become an adult? An illustrated essay." {CNF} {H} {I}
- VICE: "How Art Therapy Helps My Students Deal With Their PTSD." {J}{CNF}{I}
- Jezebel: "10 Years After Katrina: An Illustrated Unhappy Ending." {I}{J}
- Jezebel: "How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Tell Rape Jokes." {CNF} {C}
- Defenestration Magazine: "I've Been Trying To Stop Apologizing So Much." {H}
- Neutrons Protons: "The Opposite of Dancing." {CNF} {I}
- "Love, Write, Light." {CNF}
- Jezebel: "Mom, I Have Two Boyfriends: How I Discovered I Was Polyamorous at 27." {CNF} {I}
- Neutrons Protons: "OMV." March 1, 2015. {C}
- Jezebel: "What I Learned When I Tried to Draw Myself Naked." February 10, 2015. {CNF} {I} {J}
- Hippocampus Magazine: "Variations on Prayer." November 1, 2014. {CNF}
- Trop Mag: "You Are Invited To My Son Elijah's Fifth Anniversary of Life on Earth." October 10, 2014. {H}
- Teaching Artists' Journal: "All for One and One for All." October 10, 2014. {CNF}
- Nola Vie: "Comic Drama." September 25, 2014. {CNF} {J}
- The Hairpin: "A Smart Girl's Guide to Responding to Pop Stars." July 21, 2014. {I} {H}
- The Hairpin: "Boy Meets World: The Lost Episodes." July 10, 2014. {I} {H}
- The Hairpin: "Children's Books for Young Feminists." July 4, 2014. {I} {H}
- Trop Mag: "Culturally Responsible Yoga." July 2, 2014. {H}
- Trop Mag: "I Want To Teach Kids Who Listen to Hip-Hop." May 29, 2014. {H}
- The Hairpin: "An Open Letter to Summer Fashion Trends." May 22, 2014. {I} {H}
- Nola Vie: "Book People." April 28, 2014. {CNF} {J}
- The Hairpin: "Babysitters Club for the Modern Woman." April 25, 2014. {I} {H}
- ROOKIE: "Love Birds." April 13, 2014. {C}
- The Hairpin: "Feminist Writers React to Viral YouTube Videos." April 8, 2014. {C} {H}
- The Hairpin: "Costumes." April 3, 2014. {CNF} {I}
- Nola Vie: "A Love Letter to a Little Bookstore." February 26, 2014. {CNF} {J}
- Punchnel's: "A Woman Walks Into A Life-Changing Simulated Sex Comedy Show..." January 2014. {CNF}
- The Rumpus: "Thoughts While Reading." January 10, 2014. {C}
- Teaching Artists' Journal: "Getting It Right." January 7, 2014. {CNF}
- McSweeney's Internet Tendency: "This Improv Workshop Could Be Great for your Business." 2013. {H}
- Ampersand Review: Poems. 2013. {O}
- The Nation: "Gardening for Change in the City." July 30, 2007. {J}
Illustrations for Magazines, Newspapers, Publications of All Sorts

Commissions are currently closed. They will re-open in summer, 2024.
Birds and Water
77 Cents Feminist Comedians Coloring Book
Neutrons Protons
I create all the original art for Neutrons Protons. All of it! Just a little bit is below.
Shipwrecked! poster art
Here are some posters I made for the creative New Orleans storytelling showcase Shipwrecked!. Click on an image to enlarge it.